Monday, February 1, 2010


Who says that golf courses are harmful to the environment? For most of the winter the elk have been visiting the golf course almost every night. This picture was taken just a 30 minutes ago on the 8th hole. They should be around this area for most of the day. There aren't many safer places to be than the golf course.
These elk, similar to black bears, prefer to be left alone and can be scared easily. With activity such as car traffic, skiers and people snapping photos during the day, they just may hang out on the course until dusk.
As I mentioned before in a similar blog, most of the ground underneath the snow is frozen and they most likely will not cause much damage with their hooves. However, their urine is what is most lethal to the turfgrass. Today they trampled over the 7th green, but were not there long. They were close to the 8th green at one point, but then quickly moved away.
Over 5 winter seasons, this is by far the most elk activity I have noticed through the winter. I have seen some damage in the past, specifically to one green. Yet I have noticed very few of their tracks on or near the putting surfaces. Who knows what kind of mark they leave this winter.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool site on the way into the clubhouse this morning. They looked very spooky when I went past.
