Monday, June 29, 2009

Making progress

Here is the latest with the irrigation project. Mainline has been moving along nicely since Friday. By the end of Monday, they have trenched up to 12 green. Getting around the Water District's pump building behind the green could cause a bit of a slow down, but once they get into 13 tee, it should be smooth sailing through that hole. Fortunately, the trench is dry and we are through with groundwater, for now.
As for the laterals, by the end of the week, (which is Thursday, because of the holiday) they should be complete with #2 and #8. The high pressure gas line is causing some cautious digging through the course as the pipe line follows the frontage road throughout the course. They have to be extremely careful with this fragile utility line. The depth is not exactly known and hand digging is a must. If this line is damaged, it could do some serious damage to the golf course, river and highways, and not to mention the operators nearby. 

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