Friday, January 15, 2010

News from Amherst

January 13, 2010

Considering that this is only the end of my second week I can say that the transition from the working community back to being a full time student in a classroom hasn’t been too bad. Despite the times I become temporarily disoriented with the layout of campus, furthermore wondering if I needed to walk due east or north to find the appropriate building, I'm adapting. None the less, learning UMass Amherst campus area and adapting to being a full time student again hasn’t taken long and I have finally begun to feel more settled in the classroom.

Since the winter program with which I am involved is only 7 weeks, the amount of material we cover each day is staggering. A typical day includes four, two-hour classes from 8 am to 5 pm, allowing just enough time to grab something to eat and walk to the next building where another class will be held. I must say, the intensity of the program hit hard the first few days. I remember thinking the first week that I couldn’t waist what little time it took to check my emails because I had work to do for more classes the next day. Whether the intensity has gone down from then or I am just becoming accustomed to it, I can not tell. I can understand, however, that what I am absorbing from the professors will indeed be useful for me. I enjoy having moments in the classroom where we are learning about a certain pesticide, grass type, or snow clearing practice and I can directly relate that to experiences and discussions I have had many times with Justin and Steve.

I can honestly say that I am completely thrilled to have this opportunity. Furthermore, I am very excited to continue to learn about the turfgrass industry and “put a picture to the name” for a lot of these experiences I have had while working in the field for the past 4 years. With week two shortly coming to an end, I am sure that the remaining 5 weeks will only fly by.

Tony Giroux

2nd Assistant Superintendent

Vail Golf Club

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