Wednesday, July 22, 2009

38 degrees

This morning we headed out of the shop and the temperature was a cool 38 degrees. The frost season has not really ended. We have not had one week this season with out frost somewhere on the course, it's quite amazing. Hurry up and take advantage of the early tee times soon, because once we get to August the frost really settles in we need to back up tee times to prevent damage to the turfgrass. 
This week the town's fire prevention department, Tom Talbot and his staff will be clearing out some of the dead lodgepole pines throughout the course. They will begin on the 16th hole. In the coming weeks, we'll have to arrange for trees to come out on #2 and #5.
Also, we'll be saying goodbye to the old pump station tomorrow. Arapahoe Pump from Denver has purchased the old pumps and will be coming for them Thursday.

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